Happy Friday, Saturday, and Sunday!
I'm a little late but here is an update of my week:
Ahhhhh...Okay, I'm ready to teach on...
We decided to focus on informing rather than tattling during our character development time. The story, A Bad Case of the Tattle Tongue was a fabulous story to read about tattling. We went over when it is appropriate to inform a teacher and when it was absolutely NOT appropriate.
We followed up the the lesson with a cute writing activity and craft.
You can purchase the craft on TPT here.
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This is the face :( I had to make to get my fiance to take my picture at 6:30 am. I think I need to invest in a webcam. Sweater: TJ Maxx Pants: JCPenny Boots: Target |
I promised myself I wouldn't get my boots out until the first day of fall.
Therefore, I am going to wear them everyday until the first day of spring. Beware.
I typically don't buy coffee from coffee shops, but when I do I go with a salted caramel mocha latte. YUM. Perfect for fall.
I have my students read plays in "Read to Someone" during Daily 5 time. They LOVE it. It has been a perfect activity for buddy reading.You can get the plays here.
It's the best when you hear your students not only acting it out, but using different accents as they speak.
That's all for now! Have a fabulous week!
Happy blogging!
xox Mica